Once again, action precedes clarity
What can one glean from a collection of seemingly unrelated news bites? Perhaps the better questions are: What’s important enough and what is motivating enough to influence our thoughts and future actions anyway? You can’t make sense of someone, or some thing, without effort and some engagement. You have to take action. Get it from Karl E. Weick, organizational theorist (from Warsaw, Indiana), who’s noted for introducing the notions of “loose coupling” and “mindfulness”:
“… the sense-making process is predicated on the notion that an individual’s
actions enable enhanced understanding of the environment, which in turn,
influences future actions [and so on].”
Change happens so quickly anymore, you have to be on your toes and very observant. The clues are often obscure. I believe looking outside your own box (and industry) is particularly beneficial. When we have perspective on the things around us we gain a sense of control (over our destiny)—even if there’s little we could do about it anyway. When we read between the lines and form our own opinions, and decide to take action or not, we feed our sense of identity and purpose.
They say you can become blind if you see each day the same. I say be more industrious. Try on a different pair of lenses and make an effort to connect the dots in any news you uncover. I hope you find my sample interesting, perhaps even inspiring.
(Conservative) number of domestic drones that will fly over the
continental U.S. by 2018
5.53 percent
The rise of the Dow Jones Industrial Average in 2011
—third consecutive year of gain
70 percent
Number of people on the planet who will live
in urban cities by 2050
$16 million
Amount the Exxon Valdez (last known as the
Oriental Nicety) recently recouped in scrap to
Global Marketing Systems Inc., a company
in Maryland.
81 per cent vs. 57 per cent
Percent of finders of “lost” cell phones that accessed
Contacts over Passwords
$7 gallon
Average price for a gallon of gasoline in Europe, 2011
(adjusted for sales by liter)
Printing. One of the world’s newest and most advanced
manufacturing technologies now allows you to
print in titanium
244 years
Number of years the paper bound version of Encyclopedia
Britannica lasted before its imminent demise in 2012
119 mpg
Predicted, “gas mileage” obtainable from a 2012 Tesla
Model S, electric 4-door sedan
Amount bet on March Madness tournament each year
Number of users Israeli crowd-sourced traffic
navigation app, Waze, reached across 45 countries
in October 2011
56 per cent
Ranking of business innovation initiatives in terms
of strategic priorities for 2012 as companies seek
new ways of strengthening their supply
chain operations
2.7 billion
Current number of “likes” and “comments” Facebook
posts attract DAILY
Top reason employee turnover is now increasing (Less Career Advancement/Promotional Opportunities)
INC Magazine/Gallup2.6 billion pounds
Amount of emissions reduced on account of 3M’s
sustainable sourcing programs
Number of factories lost in the United States since 2001
Number of U.S. fracture-critical bridges that need
constant attention and money for inspections
when funding for maintenance is drying up
Total cost for an individual from New York to attend
every Formula 1 event in a season.
#14 USA @ $33.53
Rank and rate of average hourly compensation costs
(wages, benefits, payroll taxes) for manufacturing
workers, out of 34 surveyed countries
Retail cost of “Romotive.” The little robot that lets your
iPhone wheel around and turning smart phones into a
brain that powers inanimate objects
And finally,
95 sizes
Number of custom-fitted condoms British start-up,
TheyFit, offers male customers ranging from
three to 10 inches
Last word
As I said in my opening, these are just a collection of news highlights I found in an afternoon. There’s no particular meaning intended, and I certainly cannot certify the accuracy of any one of them.
HIT Solutions believes the more your business keeps up with important trends, the more you will improve your product, and improve your bottom line.
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